Read Me file for Fractal Engine 2 - unregistered copy --------------------------------- Relevant to version 2.1 - 29th July 1993 Disk contents: / README.TXT - This file! FRACENG2.PRG - The Fractal Engine 2 main program. DISPANI2.PRG - Program for displaying FE2 animation sequences. /DOCUMENT.FE2/ MANUAL.TXT - Full 30 page reference guide. MANUAL.DOC - Manual in Word for Windows format. QUICKREF.TXT - Quick reference guide and tutorial. /DEFAULTS.FE2/ TITLE.SCR - FE2 title screen *.CDF - Default fractal parameters. FRACENG2.EXE - 68000 Machine code drawing routines. PALETTE.DAT - Default colour palette information. /NICEPICS.FE2/ *.FUL - Ace full-size pictures. /MOREPICS.FE2/ *.FUL - Some other not so hot piccies. /QUIKCDFS.FE2/ *.CDF - Some example co-ordinate files Please note: FE2 should always be run from a disk or directory containing the sub-directory DEFAULTS.FE2 and ALL of its contents. DISPANI2.PRG is only for displaying FE2 animation sequences and will NOT work with version one files. Updates from version 2.0 ------------------------ The following is a list of modifications and additions to the 2.0 version of the Fractal Engine: * Refinements made to the Julia option as this was changing from the current method and palette selected. * Refinements made to the Zoom option as this was also changing from the current method and palette selected. In addition the zoom-out 'o' key option did not work correctly. * The colouring of floating point images differed from the integer ones. This was not a problem unless a deep zoom animation was underway. It caused a sudden jump in the colour levels outside the set. * The ability to abort whilst in the middle of a drawing operation has been added and can be achieved by pressing the right mouse button. Some slightly strange effects may be caused due to the jumping out of the iteration loop but this does not effect program operation. One point to note is that you CANNOT resume after breaking but an alert box asks you to confirm first. This option is not available for the cloud fractal type or during a batch operation. Note this facility is not documented in the manual. * A peculiar error whilst drawing spheres of fractal zooms has been fixed, this may have produced some weird results, especially when performing a zoom animation. Register your copy now! ----------------------- Send a cheque for œ10 ($20 US, $25 AUS/NZ, etc.) made payable to 'Daniel Grace' to: Fractal Engine 2, Garden Flat, 20 Bristol Road Lower, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon, BS23 2PW, England. Registration gives you a warm feeling inside as well as a couple of extra programs, which are excellent. Also we can keep you informed as to any future updates. Please allow 14 days to recieve your goods (21 days for overseas).